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Women Against Child Trafficking
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Human trafficking is a growing problem in the Riverside County, Ventura County, Los Angeles County and San Diego County. Young teens are being kidnapped weekly and then sold to human sex trafficking. The predators prey on teens on the Internet, facebook and right outside of their school. The U.S. Department of Justice estimated 14,500 to 17,500 people are trafficked every year. Human trafficking has grown from a $9 billion to a $40 billion-a-year industry, Riverside police Officer's say it rivals drug and arms trafficking for the most profitable criminal enterprise.
Mission Statement: Women Against Child Trafficking is dedicated to helping victims/survivors of human trafficking, child sex trafficking, youth in crisis, teens/young adults in crisis and abandoned youth. We work hand in hand with the FBI, the Riverside County Sheriff's department and the City of Riverside Police Detectives, along with aiding and supporting Operation SafeHouse, a youth shelter that houses rescued children. Our mission is to protect children/teens from predators who profit from selling children/teens into sexual slavery. We help spread awareness and inform the public. We educate parents, teachers, children, religious leaders and others in positions of authority of the ever-growing crimes against children. We provide 72 hour emergency shelter, transportation, victim services, food, clothing, shoes, blankets, toiletries and address the immediate needs of the victims from 11 to 18 years old. We also provide mentoring and transitional living to survivors (young adults who have had no home support, essentially abandoned youth) who have been in the system up until age 23. We provide the survivors with basic and other essentials such as housing, food, clothing, tuition, educational materials and mentorship to guide them into adulthood.
Stop Child SlaveryChild Sex Trafficking... The stories he shared in that interview made a case for a clear connection between forced ... And it's happening under our noses here in the U.S. as well. Watch a 15 minute Video (second video on page).
What a fabulous RCAHT Meeting today! (Riverside County Against Human Trafficking). Today our guest speaker was an FBI Agent. They let us know the facts/statistics and warning signs we can all look for. Please monitor your child/teens Internet Use and pictures posted. We need your help folks as Child Trafficking is the largest and fastest growing crime. What if your child fell victim to human trafficking?... violated, abused, gang-raped, and tortured! Right here in Riverside County we currently have over a dozen rescued kids - the youngest is eleven years old! Child trafficking is currently effecting thousands of teens and young children right here in our backyard; do you want to stop the horrible fate that awaits the victims of this injustice? Please join WACT in helping to stop the profiting of selling our nation’s children for sex and other unconscionable purposes. There is big money and power behind this sort of trafficking. It will take community effort and support to put a real stop to this organized crime of profiting from the destruction of innocent children’s lives – we desperately need your donation! Believe it or not, you can make a difference. Please help a child restore their life today. We can't change the fact that they were taken and abused in every way, however we can help them in their recovery and get them back to a healthy life.
All funds raised by WomenAgainstChildTrafficking a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, Tax ID #20-4286082 are received by United Charitable Programs
Women Against Child Trafficking
11801 Pierce Street, Suite 200
Riverside, CA 92505
Women Against Child Trafficking
Darlene Tarnoski